Pre-Conference Requirements
ComSciConCAN is a highly interactive and cooperative event. The meeting will include group workshopping of already-developed science communication pieces. All accepted attendees to ComSciConCAN 2024 are expected to complete the following pre-conference requirements in advance of attending the workshop.
Through the "Create-A-Thon", ComSciConCAN attendees develop science communication pieces (articles, videos, podcasts etc) and workshop them extensively with fellow attendees and science communication experts. Some of these pieces may even go on to be published in major science communication outlets. You can see examples of pieces written by previous ComSciCon attendees here. If you have any questions about the Create-A-Thon, send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
The following timeline is approximate - dates will be added soon.
1.5 months to conference: Submit 1st drafts to us, peer review groups assigned
1 month prior to conference: Submit peer edits for all pieces in your peer review group
2 weeks prior to conference: Final Drafts due for expert review
During the conference: Expert review at the conference
Details / Submission: More details will be sent to accepted applicants.
Show n Tell (Optional)
ComSciConCAN typically features a Show-n-Tell session highlighting the science outreach, communication, and social media activities of our attendees and several local SciComm organizations. In addition, this session is planned to be open to the public. Our goal is to foster a networking environment and an opportunity for attendees to practice the science communication skills they develop throughout the conference!
Evaluation Surveys
ComSciCon Canada is interested in learning more about how best to improve science communication training. We evaluate our performance through surveys before, immediately following, and 3-6 months after the workshop.
Details: The pre-conference survey will be available upon acceptance to ComSciConCAN 2024.
2 weeks prior to conference: Complete pre-conference survey
June: Complete post-conference survey
Late 2024: Complete follow-up survey